歐元概述 The Overview of Euro (EUR)


The European Union developed as an institutional system for the construction of a unified Europe. The E.U. currently consists of Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Hungary, Slovakia, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Slovenia, Cyprus, Bulgaria, Romania, and Croatia (including the United Kingdom). Countries except Denmark, Sweden, the United Kingdom, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Lithuania, Bulgaria, Romania, and Croatia use the Euro as their common currency.


The 18 countries that use the common currency by organising the European Monetary Union (EMU) and share the single monetary policy required by the European Central Bank (ECB). The EMU is the world’s second-largest economy with a highly developed bond market, stock market and futures market. EMU is becoming the second most attractive investment market for investors both inside and outside the Euro area.

18個國家通過組織歐洲貨幣聯盟(EMU)使用共同貨幣並由歐洲中央銀行(ECB)發布單一的貨幣政策。 EMU是世界第二大的經濟體,擁有高度發達的債券市場,股票市場和期貨市場。對於歐元內外的投資者,歐洲貨幣聯盟已成為第二大具吸引力的投資市場。

The Euro has taken its place, and more countries participate in the EMU. The importance of the euro as a reserve currency has increased at the same time, thereby increasing the inflow of capital into Europe. Euro’s demand is expected to continue to grow as foreign central banks are expected to increase their euro holdings to diversify their portfolio in the future.


EMU is a trade-driven and capital flow-driven economy. Therefore, trade is significant for each country within the EMU. Unlike most significant economies, EMU does not incur large-scale trade deficit surpluses. Yet, EMU also has considerable trade volume with other countries, so it has great power in international trade. The formation of the EU has also increased its influence in the international community. If individual countries are integrated into a single economic bloc, they can negotiate on an equal footing with the United States, the largest trading partner.


The growing role of the EU in international trade has given significant meaning to the part of the euro as a reserve currency. To reduce exchange risk and transaction costs, countries should have a large amount of reserve currency. Traditionally, most international trade deals have used British pounds, Japanese yen, and U.S. dollars. Before introducing the euro, it was entirely unreasonable for European countries to hold the currencies of other European countries on a large scale. Hence, the bank had the reserve currency in dollars.



European Central Bank(ECB)

Determines Monetary Policy

ECB is the organisation responsible for determining the monetary policy of the EMU participating countries. The EMU’s executive committee form a policy with central bank governors from each country and implement policies. At bi-weekly meetings, the new monetary policy is usually decided by a majority vote, and if the polls are tied, the president will have the right to choose.


EMU’s primary goals are to stabilise prices and promote growth. Changes in monetary and fiscal policy are made to achieve these goals. The EU enacted the Maastricht Treaty, which established several application criteria for individual countries to achieve that goal. Any country that deviates from these standards will be subject to hefty fines.


Based on these criteria, the ECB has strict membership management rights focused on inflation and deficits. The ECB typically strives to maintain the monthly consumer price index, harmonised Index of consumer prices(HICP),  at less than 2% per year and M3 (currency supply) at 4.5% per year.



歐洲貨幣聯盟彙聚準則 EMU Convergence Criteria

The 1992 Treaty of Maastricht defined the following prerequisites for membership in the European Monetary Union (EMU).



1.  Inflation should not exceed 1.5% of the average annual inflation before the evaluation date of the three countries with the best economic conditions in the region


2. 長期利率不得超過該地區任何國家(10年)通貨膨脹率最低的三個國家的12個月平均值。 Long-term interest rates will not exceed the 12-month average of the three countries with the lowest inflation rate of any country in the region (10 years).

3.匯率機能的匯率波動範圍,至少保持兩年在基準匯率上下15%。  The exchange rate will remain within the range of exchange rate fluctuation (15% above and below the benchmark rate) of the ERM (EXCHANGE-RATE MECHANISM) for at least 2 years.

4.所有政府債務餘額應保持在GDP的60%以內。如果高於此值,則允許其適當低降低。  General government debt balances should remain within 60% of GDP. If higher than this, allow if it is decreasing sufficiently.

5.一般財政赤字應保持在GDP的3%以內。允許其暫時或略微超過。 General financial deficits should remain within 3% of GDP. Allow temporary or slight excess.

ESCB, ECB and 28 member central banks are independent of governments and other EU agencies and have complete control over monetary policy. Members granted this operational independence under Article 108 of the Treaty of Maastricht. The main content of Article 108 states that members of a decision-making organisation cannot receive instructions from local, government, or any other organisation in the EU.



公開市場操縱 Open Market Manipulation


The ECB is operating open markets in four categories to adjust interest rates, manage liquidity and suggest monetary policy stance:


1. 主要再融資操作(MRO) Main Refinancing Operation(MRO) 

→這是對金融部門每週執行,為期兩週的流動性供應(貸款)計劃的再融資交易。 It is a two-week liquidity supply (loan) program implemented every week and is a refinancing transaction to the financial sector.

2. 長期再融資計畫(LTRO)Longer-Term Refinancing Operation(LTRO)

→作為期限超過三個月以上的流動性供應(貸款)計劃,向金融部門提供了長期再融資,該計劃每月實施一次。 Long-term refinancing is provided to the financial sector as a liquidity supply (loan) program with a maturity of more than three months, which is implemented once a month.

3. 微調操作 Fine-Tuning Operation

→ 會不時實施管理市場流動性和調整利率的政策,來控制因無法預見的流動性變化而引起的利率波動。 Policies implemented from time to time to manage liquidity in the market and adjust interest rates are implemented to control interest rate fluctuations arising from unforeseen changes in liquidity.

4. 結構操縱 Structural Manipulation

→這包括發行債務工具,贖回交易和交易概述。當歐洲央行想要調整歐元體系在金融部門(常規或非常規)中的結構地位時,就會進行操縱。 This includes issuing debt instruments, redemption transactions, and outline transactions. Manipulation occurs when ECB wants to adjust the euro system’s structural position in the financial sector (regular or irregular).


歐洲央行最低買入利率 ECB Minimum Bid Rate

The lowest bid rate for the European Central Bank is an important policy objective. It is directly related to a loan rate provided to the central bank of the various countries. The rate is adjusted every 2weeks, and ECB tends to keep interest rates to the targeted rate to prevent inflation.


The ECB is not reducing its exchange rate target, but it will consider the exchange rate in the policy deliberation process as it affects price stability. Consequently, the ECB implements foreign exchange market intervention in the event of inflation.


As a result, the policy committee members’ remarks draw attention to foreign exchange market participants and trigger euro volatility. The ECB publishes monthly data describing economic growth analysis and changes in perception of economic conditions, which need to be watched because it can detect the change in monetary policy stance.



歐元的主要特徵 Key Characteristics of the Euro


1. 歐元/美元是最容易波動的貨幣,所有主要的歐元交叉貨幣也極易波動。 EUR/USD is the most volatile currency, and all major euro-cross currencies are also highly volatile.

The euro debuted on 1 January 1999 in the form of electronic currency. At that time, the euro replaced all pre-EMU currencies. As a result, EUR/USD is currently the most fluid currency pair globally, and the movement of EUR/USD is used as a primary measure of European and U.S. economic health. The euro is commonly known as the “anti-dollar” because it was the dollar’s fundamentals that influenced the EUR/USD currency pair movement between 2003 and 2008.

歐元於1999年1月1日以電子貨幣形式首次發行。當時,歐元取代了歐洲貨幣聯盟之前的所有貨幣。結果,歐元/美元目前全球流動性最高的貨幣對,歐元/美元的變動被作為衡量歐洲和美國經濟健康狀況的主要指標。歐元通常被稱為“反美元”,正是因為美元的基本面影響了2003年至2008年之間歐元/ 美元貨幣對的動向。

EUR/JPY and EUR/CHF are also highly volatile currencies and are commonly used to determine Japanese and Swiss economies’ health. EUR/USD and EUR/GBP are good pairs of currencies to trade because of their low spread, orderly movement, and infrequent gaps.


2. 歐元獨特的風險。 The euro has unique risks.

Introduced in 1999, the euro is still a new currency. The euro is not a problem for other currencies, but there are many risks to consider. In other words, 28 countries are exposed to economic, political and social situations. Although the number of countries using the euro is expected to increase, it will affect the stability of the entire eurozone if any country stops using the euro or begins to return to its currency because it does not think the ECB’s policy is in its best interest.


The euro is the only currency in the world that is not used on a national basis. Even if Germany, France, Italy and Spain are the largest and most economically dominant countries in the eurozone, the ECB has the authority and responsibility to determine monetary policy for all 28 member states. The 28 member states frequently verify, criticise and politically press the ECB’s actions. Before the subprime crisis, the ECB was just a new, untested central bank. However, the ECB has wholly changed its reputation for them by responding quickly to the credit crunch and providing ample liquidity.


3.十年期美國政府債券與十年期德國政府債券之間的利率差表明歐元走勢。 The spread of interest rates between 10-year U.S. government bonds and 10-year German government bonds suggests a euro direction.

The 10-year government bond is used as an essential indicator of the future euro exchange rate. The difference in interest rates between the 10-year U.S. and 10-year German government bonds is a good sign for the euro. If German government bond interest rates are higher than those of U.S. government bonds, and the difference increases or the spread widens, this suggests a rise in the euro. If the difference in interest rates decreases or the spread narrows, the euro can be predicted to fall. The 10-year German government bond is usually used as the eurozone’s benchmark bond.


4. 預測歐元區的資金流動。Forecasting the flow of funds in the euro area.

Another trading indicator is the Inter-European bank rate (three-month interest rate), a regular deposit rate between large banks. Traders tend to compare the eurodollar futures rate with the three-month interest rate to forecast the movement.

另一個交易指標是歐洲之間銀行利率(三個月的利率),這是大型銀行之間的定期存款利率。 交易者傾向於將歐元兌美元的期貨利率與三個月的利率進行比較,來預測未來走勢。

M&A also have significant implications for EUR/USD movements. M&A between EU and US multinational corporations has been increasing in recent years. The large transactions will have a significant short-term impact on EUR/USD.

買斷合併對歐元/美元走勢也有重大影響。 近年來,歐美跨國公司之間的併購活動一直增加。 大型交易將對歐元/美元產生重大的短期影響。

歐元的重要經濟指標 An Important Economic Indicator of the Euro

The following are all important economic indicators for the euro. It is also essential to be aware of political and economic situations such as GDP, inflation, and unemployment. The leading economies of the European Monetary Union (EMU) are Germany, France and Italy. Therefore, we should note the economic indicators of the above three countries, along with the overall EMU economic indicators.


1. GDP

GDP is collected and published by Eurostar from many countries. It usually includes France, Germany, and the Netherlands (Italy only added to the final report). The annual total of EU-28 and EMU-18 is a simple sum of national GDP. It is more complicated to add up because some countries (Greece, Ireland, Luxembourg) do not create quarterly national data. Moreover, Portugal produces partial quarterly figures with significant time differences. Thus, quarterly figures across EU-28 and EMU-18 are estimates based on groups of countries that account for more than 95% of the total EU GDP.

GDP由歐洲統計局收集許多國家的資料並發布的資訊。這些資料通常包括法國,德國和荷蘭(僅將義大利添加到最終報告中)。 EU-28和EMU-18的年度總數是國家GDP的簡單總和。由於某些國家(希臘,愛爾蘭,盧森堡)沒有季度的數據,所以加起來會較複雜。此外,葡萄牙有部分的季度數據計算有明顯的時差。因此,EU-28和EMU-18計算出的季度數據是根據佔歐盟總GDP超過95%的國家估算得出的。

2. 德國工業生產German Industrial Production

Industrial production includes a breakdown of four segments (mining, manufacturing, energy and construction) reflecting seasonal factors. Manufacturing production consists of four main product groups: necessary production materials, capital goods, consumer goods and non-durable consumer goods.


Since Germany is the largest economy in the eurozone, industrial production in Germany is significant. However, markets sometimes react to French industrial production. Because industrial production has fewer data samples, modifications using all models are used as valid data. The Treasury often displays the expected direction of the changes in the initial data.


3. 調和消費者物價指數(HICP) Harmonized Consumer price index (HICP)

The EU HICP, announced by Eurostat, was designed for national comparative analysis based on EU law. Eurostat has published the index since January 1995, and since January 1998, it has published the EMU-18 Regional Detail Index, called the MUICP. Price information provides Euro start with 100 indexes for each national statistical agency to survey and calculate their harmonised consumer price index.


Eurostar aggregates these sub-indexes into weighted averages and publishes each country’s harmonised consumer price index, which is then weighted by country and releases at the end of every month. It is around ten days after the announcement of the national CPI in Spain, France and EMU-5 countries.


Although the market already reflects prices when the harmonised consumer price index is released, it is worth noting that the ECB references the index. The ECB aims to maintain consumer price inflation in the euro area within 0% to 2%.


4.貨幣供給量 M3

M3 is a broad money supply indicator that includes both bonds and bank deposits. The ECB closely observes M3 inflation as its primary measure. In December 1998, the ECB’s Policy Committee set the M3 target at 4.5%, achieving the inflation target of 2%, the growth target of 2 to 2.5%, and the long-term monetary rate target of 0.5 to 1%. Growth rates are observed on a three-month moving average basis to avoid possible information distortions in monthly variability.

M3是廣義的貨幣供應指標,包括債券和銀行存款。歐洲央行將M3通脹作為其主要措施並密切關注。 1998年12月,歐洲央行政策委員會將M3目標設定為4.5%,將通脹目標設定為2%,將成長目標設定為2至2.5%,將長期貨幣利率目標設定為0.5至1%。以三個月的移動平均值為基礎觀察成長率,以避免訊息因每月的變化而被曲解。

The ECB’s approach to monetary goals has room for manipulation and intervention. As the German central bank did, the ECB does not set the scope of M3, so there will be no action even if M3 is outside the set range. Furthermore, although the ECB considers M3 an important indicator, it will also refer to other changes in the direction of currency circulation.


5. 德國失業率 German Unemployment Rate

The unemployment rate announced by the Federal Labor Office in Germany both seasonally adjusted (SA) and non-seasonally adjusted (NSA) figures, including information on the unemployed population. Unseasonably adjusted unemployment rates are announced along with vacancies, short-term shifts, and the number of employees.


Germany’s central bank announces seasonally adjusted unemployment within an hour of the Federal Labor Office announcement. A day before the announcement, official data is often leaked from the labour union, when the number of unseasonably adjusted unemployed is almost millions.


When sources in Reuters report the offensive numbers of unseasonably adjusted unemployment, the leaked figures usually reflect official statistics. Rumours are sometimes circulated a week before the official announcement, but they are wildly inaccurate. Furthermore, German statements have been misinterpreted through foreign media so far, so caution is needed in interpreting rumours.


6. 每個國家的財政赤字 Each Country’s Fiscal Deficit

The stability and growth pact sets the upper limit of the fiscal deficit below 3% GDP. Each country also has goals to reduce its fiscal deficit. Market participants keep an eye on whether they fall short of the target.


7. IFO調查 IFO Survey

Germany, which accounts for more than 30% of the eurozone’s GDP, is Europe’s largest economy. Thus, an understanding of the status of German companies is regarded as this issue for the whole of Europe. IFO investigates the German corporate environment and short-term planning for 7,000 German companies every month.

德國是歐洲最大的經濟體,佔歐元區的GDP超過30%。 因此,對於整個歐洲來說,了解德國公司的經濟景氣狀況,相當的重要,所以IFO每月會調查7,000多家德國公司的狀況和短期計劃。