3. History of Forex

Before starting trading forex, every trader must understand some of the key events that happened in the past. These events are repeatedly mentioned by many professional foreign-exchange traders even today.



Bretton Woods

Dollar as the world’s key currency.



In July 1944, a new treaty was needed to control the international economy after World War II. Representatives from 44 countries gathered in Breton Woods, New Hampshire, the United States. Many agreed that instability in the global economy was one of the leading causes of the war and that the international community should prevent such instability in the future.


The treaty, drafted by renowned economists John Maynard Keynes and Harry Dexter White, was proposed to support Britain before and after the war as part of the United States’ Lend-Lease Act.


The Lend-Lease Act of the United States was enacted in March 1941 to provide supplies to the United Kingdom, the Soviet Union, France, and China, where the United States was allied. After several rounds of negotiations, the Bretton Woods Agreement was signed, with the following essential details:


1. To promote fair trade and harmonization of the international economy, an international organization shall be established.


2. Adopt a fixed exchange rate system between currencies.


3. Designate the U.S. dollar as the world’s key currency by allowing a convertible between gold and the U.S. dollar.


Only the first of the above three are valid to this day. Organisations formed as a direct result of Bretton Woods, including the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank, and the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT), remain to this day to play an essential role in the development and regulation of the international economy. For example, with the Brenton Woods system’s implementation, the IMF fixed the gold at $35 per ounce and introduced a fixed exchange rate system based on a fixed exchange rate system between each currency.

上述三個中只有第一個至今有效。布雷頓森林體系直接促成的組織,包括國際貨幣基金組織,世界銀行和關稅暨貿易總協定(GATT),至今仍在國際經濟的發展和調節中發揮重要作用 。例如,隨著布倫頓森林體系的實施,國際貨幣基金組織將黃金定為每盎司35美元,並根據每種貨幣之間的固定匯率制度引入了固定匯率制度。

Even after the Bretton Woods system’s end, the IMF worked closely with the World Bank (established under the Bretton Woods system). These two organisations regularly contribute funds to developing countries, helping developing countries develop their public infrastructure. They are now operating to support a sound commercial economy that can contribute to the international stage. The World Bank and the IMF are also working closely with GATT to ensure these developing countries’ opportunities to trade equally and fairly with their industrialised counterparts.


GATT was initially established as a temporary organisation but is now operating to encourage the dismantling of trade barriers such as tariffs and quotas. The Bretton Woods Agreement took effect from 1944 to 1971, but to secure the Bretton Woods system’s flaws, President Nixon proposed the Smithsonian Agreement.

關稅暨貿易總協定最初是作為一個臨時建立組織,但現在正在鼓勵取消關稅和配額等貿易障礙。 《布雷頓森林協定》生效於1944年至1971年之間,但為補足布雷頓森林體系的不足,尼克森總統提出了《史密森尼協定》。

However, the Smithsonian Agreement had the same critical weakness as the Bretton Woods Agreement. It had maintained a fixed exchange rate system without acknowledging the gold against the U.S. dollar. This fixed exchange rate system failed to accommodate international demands for a sustained U.S. trade deficit and a weak dollar. As a result, the Smithsonian Agreement did not last long.


Ultimately, the exchange rate system evolved into a free-floating exchange rate market where demand and supply determined its value. However, this has led to several currency crises and increased volatility between currencies. As a result, the market is automatically controlled, and the appropriate value of the currency is formed in the market without any special restrictions.


The Bretton Woods has significantly contributed to changing the U.S. dollar’s perceptions on the international economical stage. While the British Pound is still showing considerable strength and the Euro is under the new spotlight for international trade as an innovative currency, the dollar has been chosen as the world’s key currency for the time being. This can be attributed mainly to the Brenton Woods Agreement, which guaranteed its credibility and accessibility based on the dollar to gold transition system. The Bretton Woods system is a policy of the past, but the impact on the U.S. dollar and the international economy remains significant to this day.



The End of Bretton Woods

The Birth of Free Market Capitalism



On August 15, 1971, the Brenton Woods system officially ceased to fix the currency’s value to gold prices. A new form of system emerged for a while before the Brenton Woods system disappeared, but the Brenton Woods system officially came to an end. The value of currencies is fixed at the price of gold, and the structure of a limited exchange rate fluctuation in the range of only one per cent disappears. Instead, the fair value of currency1 is determined by free-market economic behaviour such as trade and direct foreign investment.


U.S. President Nixon was confident that the end of the Bretton Woods system would bring a better new era for the international economy. However, he was not a free market believer who believed that the market could value the currency legally and freely. Like most economists, President Nixon also determined that a completely unorganised foreign exchange market would lead to a competitive devaluation, an obstacle to international trade and investment. The outcome predicted by President Nixon and his economic advisory committee was a global economic slowdown.


A few months later, the committee signed the Smithsonian Agreement. The Smithsonian Convention, praised by President Nixon as the “Greatest monetary agreement in the world’s history”, sought to maintain a fixed exchange rate system without gold. The Bretton Woods system’s key difference is that the dollar’s value can fluctuate within the range of 2.25% (which allows only within 1% of the Brenton Woods system).


Eventually, the Smithsonian Agreement turned out to be an intricate system to implement. Gold prices surged to $215 an ounce in the free market, as the exchange rate did not fix gold prices. Moreover, the U.S. trade deficit continued to grow, and from a fundamentals perspective, the U.S. dollar needed to depreciate its currency beyond the 2.25% limit set out in the Smithsonian. Due to the exposure of these problems, the foreign exchange market was forcibly closed in February 1972.


The foreign exchange market reopened in March 1973, and the Smithsonian Agreement was no longer valid. Since then, the U.S. dollar has not been fixed by any commodity and changes in the exchange rate are not limited to a specific limit, so the U.S. dollar exchange rate has been determined entirely in the market. This naturally provided the U.S. dollar and other currencies with the agility to adapt to a new and rapidly evolving international trade environment. However, it also served as a springboard for unprecedented infrastructure. Crude oil prices soared as conflicts grew in the Middle East. The Brenton Woods and Smithsonian Agreement created stagflation represented by unemployment and inflation in the United States.

1973年3月,外匯市場重新開放,《史密森尼協定》不再有效。從那時起,美元就不再受任何商品的綁定,匯率的變化也不受特定的限制,因此美元匯率已完全由市場決定。讓美元和其他貨幣在迅速發展的國際貿易環境中,可以靈活的調整。但是,它也充當了前所未有的基礎設施的跳板。隨著中東沖突的加劇,原油價格飆升。 《布倫頓森林協定》和《史密森尼協定》在美國造成了失業和通貨膨脹的蕭條。

The stagflation lasted until the early 1980s, when Federal Reserve Governor Paul Volker initiated new economic policies. President Ronald Reagan introduced a new financial plan to help the U.S. dollar return to an average value. Fortunately, the foreign exchange market has made significant progress and achieved various goals. As the U.S. eased regulations for free international trade, investors who wanted to participate in the market showing abundant liquidity and continuous growth flowed into the foreign exchange market. Consequently, the end of the Bretton Woods system in 1971 marked the beginning of a new economic era, represented by international tradings’ liberalisation and the surge in speculative capital influx.

這膨脹性蕭條一直持續到1980年代初,當時美聯儲(Fed)主席保羅·沃爾克(Paul Volker)提出了新的經濟政策。里根(Ronald Reagan)總統提出了一項新的財務計劃,以幫助美元恢復到平均水平。幸運的是,外匯市場取得了顯著的進步,並實現了各種目標。隨著美國對自由國際貿易的管制的放寬,想參與市場的投資者持續增加並在外匯市場中展現充足的流動性。因此,1971年布雷頓森林體系的結束標示一個新的經濟時代的開始,以國際貿易自由化和投機性資本湧入為代表。


Plaza Accord

Devaluation of the U.S. dollar (1985)


After the end of the 20th century, the currency market remained completely unregulated except for the ‘invisible hand’ that sought an economic balance by the demand and supply of free-market capitalism, unfortunately, due to unforeseen economic events (OPEC oil crisis, stagflation in the 1970s), supply and demand have become inefficient means to control the currency market on their own.


It has already been proven that pegging currency values to commodities such as gold, or setting maximum exchange rate fluctuations, is too inflexible to entice economic development. A balance between the system and strict rules has plagued the currency market for the 20th century, and the countries still needed a final solution while progress was being made.


Therefore, in 1985, finance ministers and central bank governors of the world’s largest economies (France, Germany, Japan, United Kingdom, and the United States) held a meeting in New York in the hope of reaching a diplomatic agreement to maximise the economic efficiency of the foreign exchange market.


In a rare meeting at the Plaza Hotel, international leaders reached an absolute consensus on a particular country and the entire global economy. Inflation was at a shallow level throughout the world. Stagflation in the 1970s was represented by high inflation and low growth, but in contrast, in 1985, the global economy showed low inflation and high growth, moving in a 180-degree turnaround.

這在廣場飯店舉行的會議上,國際領導人就特定國家和整個全球經濟達成了絕對共識,全世界的通貨膨脹率處於較低水平。 1970年代的滯脹表現出高通脹和低成長,但相比之下,1985年,全球經濟表現出低通脹和高成長,呈180度轉變。

Despite substantial economic growth, low inflation continued to lead to low-interest rates favouring developing countries, but risks of protectionist policies such as tariff barriers were becoming visible. Japan and Germany had substantial current account surpluses, while the U.S. had a growing current account deficit. Realistically, this fundamental imbalance could cause severe economic imbalances, leading to a distortion of the foreign exchange market and the international economy.


With the current account imbalance and the resulting protectionist policies emerging, countermeasures were required. Eventually, these led to the conviction that the value of the U.S. dollar was rising more than 80 per cent faster than significant trading partner currencies. As the value of the U.S. dollar rose, the U.S. showed a considerable trade deficit. On the contrary, the depreciation of the U.S. dollar automatically brought about a balance between exports and imports of all other countries, helping to stabilize the international economy more efficiently.


At the Plaza Hotel conference, the United States persuaded other participants to coordinate multilateral intervention, and the Plaza Accord was reached on September 22, 1985. The agreement was designed to allow the depreciation of the dollar and the appreciation of significant counter-currency.


Countries have agreed to intervene in the currency market to revise their economic policies and induce the dollar to depreciate. The U.S. agreed to reduce its budget deficit and cut interest rates, while France, Britain, Germany and Japan agreed to raise interest rates. Germany also agreed to implement the tax cut, while Japan decided that the yen’s value would fully reflect the Japanese economy’s fundamental strength.


But the real problem with the actual implementation of the Plaza Accords is that not all countries stuck to their promises. In particular, the U.S. did not fulfil its initial commitment to reduce the budget deficit. Japan has been hit hard by the yen’s rapid appreciation. Japanese exporters have lost competitiveness in overseas markets, which eventually led to a decade of economic stagnation in Japan. On the contrary, the United States achieved significant economic growth and price stability due to the Plaza Accord.


The multilateral intervention effect was immediate, and within two years, the dollar fell 46 per cent against the German DEM and 50 per cent against the Japanese YEN. As a result, the U.S. economy has become much more export-driven, while industrial countries such as Germany and Japan have become importing countries. This phenomenon gradually resolved the current account deficit problem, and the international community minimised protectionist policies to the extent that they did not pose a risk to the global economy.


But most importantly, the Plaza Accord has shown the significance of central banks’ role to control exchange rate movements. Since the exchange rate was not fixed, the exchange rate was primarily determined by supply and demand in the market. However, these invisible hands by demand and supply alone were insufficient. The central banks worldwide are responsible for intervening in the foreign exchange market on behalf of the international economy



George Soros

The man who surrendered the Bank of England.

喬治·索羅斯(George Soros)

When George Soros won a $10 billion speculative bet against the British pound, he was known by everyone as the “Man who brought down the Bank of England.” Whether people like or dislike George Soros, he is involved in one of the most exciting events in the history of currency transactions.

當喬治·索羅斯(George Soros)贏得對英鎊的100億美元投機性賭注時,他被大家稱為“打垮了英格蘭銀行的人”。無論人們喜歡還是不喜歡喬治·索羅斯,他都參與了貨幣交易歷史上最激動人心的事件之一。

1.英國應用匯率調整機制 Britain Applied Exchange Rate Adjustment Mechanism

In 1979, the European Monetary System was established, led by France and Germany, to stabilise exchange rates, curb inflation, and prepare for currency integration. One of the critical elements of the European monetary system, the exchange rate adjustment mechanism, established a benchmark exchange rate against the European monetary unit, a basket of currencies for participating countries.


The system kept the participating countries’ exchange rates within the range of 2.25% up and down each benchmark exchange rate. The ERM was a fixed, adjustable exchange rate system, and nine reporting of the benchmark exchange rate were made between 1979 and 1987. The UK was not the first to join the ERM in 1990, with a pound-to-German mark benchmark exchange rate of 2.95 and a +/- 6 per cent fluctuation.

此系統將參與國的匯率保持在每個基準上下2.25%匯率範圍內。 歐洲匯率機制是一個固定的可調整的匯率系統,在1979年至1987年之間進行了9次基準匯率報告。英國並不是第一個加入歐洲匯率機制的國家,1990年,英鎊對德國馬克為基準匯率為2.95和+/- 6%的波動。

Until mid-1992, the ERM appeared to be successful, with diminished inflation in Europe due to the German Central Bank’s leadership’s regulatory effect. However, the initial stability did not last long as international investors began to feel the value of some currencies in the ERM was inadequate.


When Germany was unified in 1989, government spending increased, and the central bank had to print more money. This boosted inflation and left the German central bank unable to do anything but raise interest rates. Germany’s interest rate hike has further affected ERM by putting upward pressure on the German mark’s value.


Consequently, to maintain a fixed exchange rate within the ERM, Irving Fisher’s interest rate equilibrium theory led other central banks to raise their interest rates. It was at this time that George Soros began to take action. Considering Britain’s weak economy and high unemployment, he judged that the British government would not maintain a fixed exchange rate policy.

因此,為了在歐洲匯率機制中保持固定匯率,歐文·費舍爾(Irving Fisher)的利率均衡理論促使其他中央銀行也提高了利率。正是在這個時候,喬治·索羅斯開始採取行動。考慮到英國經濟衰退和高失業率,他認為英國政府將不會維持固定匯率政策。

2. 索羅斯賭英國加入歐洲匯率機制會失敗。Soros bet on Britain’s failure to join ERM.

Soros, a Quantum hedge fund manager, thought the UK had no choice but to devalue the pound or withdraw from ERM and determined to bet on the pound’s depreciation. During the ERM period, capital regulations were continuously removed, making it easier for international investors to recognise imbalances, and they were able to make these imbalances an opportunity.


Soros built a short position against the pound and an extended position against the mark by borrowing the pound and investing in the Mark-marked assets. Soros also utilised huge options and futures contracts. His positions totalled $10 billion. Soros was not alone, of course. Many investors soon followed him. Everyone sold the pound, which acted as a substantial downward pressure on the pound.


Initially, the Bank of England attempted to defend the fixed exchange rate by buying an enormous reserve asset of £15 billion. However, their involvement in the foreign exchange market was not enough. Market participants traded the pound very close to the bottom of the fixed exchange rate fluctuation range.


On September 16, 1992, the day it was later called Black Wednesday, the central bank announced a 2 per cent increase in interest rates (10 per cent to 12 per cent) to support the pound. A few hours later, he promised to raise interest rates by an additional 15 per cent. Still, Soros and other international investors remained unmoved when they learned that the opportunity to realise huge profits was close. Traders continued to sell the pound on a large scale, but the Bank of England continued to buy the pound.


At 7 p.m. on the same day, when Treasury Secretary Norman Lamont declared, “The U.K. is leaving the ERM.”, and interest rates returned to the first level of 10 per cent. Chaotic Black Wednesday was a prelude to the pound’s steep depreciation.

當天晚上7點,英國財政部長諾曼·拉蒙特(Norman Lamont)宣布:“英國即將退出歐洲匯率機制體系。”而利率又回到了10%的最高水平。黑色混沌星期三是英鎊急劇貶值的前奏。

Whether the transition to a floating exchange rate was due to Soros’s attack on the pound, or just fundamentals, remains a subject of debate today. However, what is certain is that over the next five weeks, the pound has fallen about 15 per cent against the German mark and has lost 25 per cent against the dollar, giving Soros and other traders huge profits.


Within a month, Quantum Fund earned about $2 billion by selling more expensive German Marks and purchasing cheaper pounds. The case of “The man who brought the Bank of England to its knees” was a representative case of how vulnerable the central bank is too speculative attacks.

在一個月內,量子基金通過出售更昂貴的德國馬克和購買更便宜的英鎊獲利約20億美元。 “使英格蘭銀行屈服的那個人”的案例代表了中央銀行太容易受到投機性攻擊的影響。

1997-1998 Asian Financial Crisis



1. 新興經濟體 The Emerging Economies


Asian Tiger economies collapsed on July 2, 1997. It is a perfect example of the global capital market’s interdependence and the subsequent impact on the currency market. Although several fundamental collapses triggered the crisis, the primary reason stemmed mainly from opaque lending practices, rising trade deficits and immature capital markets.


The combination of such factors made major regional markets incompetent, creating a catastrophic situation that brought highly valued currencies down to a significantly lower level. During this period, the crisis badly influenced the stock and the currency market.


2. 泡沫 Bubble

By 1997, the increment of asset prices increasingly attracted investors to the prospects of Asian investment focused on real estate development and the stock market. As a result, foreign investment capital has flowed into areas where economic growth is rising due to increased production, such as Malaysia, the Philippines, Indonesia, and Korea.


Thailand saw economic growth of 13% in 1988, which fell to 6.5% in 1996. Thailand implemented a fixed exchange rate system to peg the baht to a reliable U.S. dollar to provide additional loan support for a healthy economy. By pegging the exchange rate to the U.S. dollar, countries like Thailand sought financial stability in their markets and guaranteed a fixed exchange rate for export deals with the U.S.


3. 擴大經常帳戶赤字和貸款Expansion of Current Account Deficit and Loans

However, in early 1997, the sentiment for such fundamentals began to change. Each government found it increasingly difficult to handle the current account deficit, and its lending practices affected the economic structure negatively. In particular, economists were nervous that Thailand’s current account deficit increased to $14.7 billion in 1996.


Although it was relatively smaller than the U.S. current account deficit, Thailand’s deficit gap stood at 8 per cent of GDP. Opaque lending practices have also contributed significantly to this collapse. Senior bank officials and individually close borrowers were given preferential treatment for loans, which, surprisingly, became standard throughout the region. This practice has affected many large Korean companies that rely heavily on debt, with the total amount of bad loans soaring to 7.5 per cent of GDP.


Additional examples of this practice are seen in Japanese financial institutions. In 1994, Japanese authorities announced $136 billion in loans, but a year later revised $400 billion. In addition to the sluggish stock market, the decline of real estate values and the slowing economy allowed investors to expect the Japanese yen to fall, increasing selling pressure on neighbouring currencies.

在日本金融機構中可以看其他案例。 1994年,日本當局宣布了1,360億美元的貸款,但一年後又修訂成4,000億美元。除了股市低迷外,房地產價格下跌和經濟放緩也使投資者預期日元會下跌,從而增加了鄰國貨幣的拋售壓力。

When Japan’s asset bubble collapsed, asset prices fell the same value as two years’ worth of national production, and property prices accounted for nearly 65 per cent of the total decline.


The drop in asset prices sparked a banking crisis in Japan. The banking crisis began in the early 1990s and spread to the overall system crisis in 1997, leading to several high-profile financial institutions’ bankruptcy. In response, the Japanese currency authorities mentioned a potential increase in the benchmark interest rate to defend its currency value. Unfortunately, Japan\ did not implement these ideas at all, and only a few were empty.


The fall in the exchange rate was snowballing as the central bank’s reserves dried up. The currency’s value was challenging to maintain, considering the downward pressure by currency, based on the announcement of Thailand’s implementation of the floating exchange rate system.


4.貨幣危機 A Currency Crisis

After large-scale short speculation and market intervention, the aforementioned Asian countries suffered disasters and fell into incompetence. Thailand’s baht, once recognised as an investment asset, fell 48 per cent in value. The most affected currency was Indonesia’s Rupia.


Rupia, which had usually been relatively stable with Thai baht before introducing the adjustment exchange rate system, suffered a whopping 28 per cent drop from 12,950 when it was pegged to the U.S. dollar. Among the major currencies, the Japanese yen fell about 23 per cent from a high to a low against the U.S. dollar during 1997 and 1998. The 1997-98 financial crisis shows the interconnection between countries and how it affects the global market. These are examples of how difficult it is for the central bank to successfully intervene when facing enormous market pressure without guaranteeing improvements in economic fundamentals.


Today, Asia’s four small dragons are wiggling thanks to IMF restructuring package support and better implementation of stricter requirements again. Setting inflation standards and rejuvenating export markets, Southeast Asia builds its previously major industrialised economies worldwide.


After experiencing depletion of foreign exchange reserves, the Asian Tigers focus on keeping enough foreign currency reserves to defend speculators’ to attack their currencies again.



Launch of the Euro (1999)

The launch of the euro was a monumental event as the most extensive currency conversion ever made. The euro was officially launched on 1 January 1999 as a currency traded only on computer books without any real issues. Belgium, Germany, Spain, France, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Austria, Portugal, and Finland were the first of the 11 members of the European Monetary Union. Greece became the first countries to use the euro two years later.


Countries pegged their currencies at a specific conversion rate to the euro and adopted a standard currency policy controlled by the European Central Bank. For many economists, the system was ideal for including all 15 European Union countries, but Britain, Sweden and Denmark decided to keep their currencies for the time being.


Euro notes and coins were not in circulation until the first two months of 2002. Officially, the euro notes and coins were introduced from 1 January 2002 to 28 February 2002, after a two-month exchange period, the EU thoroughly used the euro from 1 March 2002. On 1 January 2014, Latvia participated in the euro, expanding the number of countries currently using the euro as their official currency to 18 countries. All EU member states had to weigh the gains and losses in deciding whether to settle the euro.歐元紙幣和硬幣直到2002年的1到2月才開始流通。歐元紙幣和硬幣是在2002年1月1日至2002年2月28日正式發行,經過兩個月的兌換期,歐盟從 2002年3月1日開始完全使用歐元。2014年1月1日,拉脫維亞加入了歐元,將目前使用歐元作為其官方貨幣的國家數量擴大到18個國家。所有歐盟成員國都必須權衡利弊,以決定是否讓歐元結算。

For EMU citizens, travel convenience may be the most prominent problem, but the euro has also brought many other benefits.


1.歐元消除了國家之間的匯率波動,為歐洲的貿易提供了更穩定的環境。 The euro provided a more stable environment for trade in Europe by eliminating exchange rate fluctuations between countries in use.

2. 消除歐元區內的所有匯率風險,企業可以更準確地計劃投資決策。Eliminating all exchange rate risk within the eurozone allows companies to plan investment decisions very accurately.

3. 交易成本降低了。交易成本是指與外匯管理,對沖管理,跨境支付以及多種貨幣帳戶的運營相關的成本。Transaction costs have been reduced. Transaction costs refer to the costs associated with foreign exchange management, hedge management, cross-border payments and the operation of multiple currency accounts.

4.消費者和企業可以更輕鬆地比較不同國家的商品價格,使價格更加透明和更具競爭力。 Consumers and businesses can more easily compare prices of goods between countries, making them more transparent and competitive.

5.龐大的單一貨幣市場對外國投資者更具吸引力。 The huge single currency market has become more attractive to foreign investors.

6.大規模的經濟和穩定狀況增強了人們的信心,使歐洲中央銀行得以以低利率控制價格。 The economy and stability of a huge scale boosted confidence, which allowed the European Central Bank to control prices at low-interest rates.

However, the euro also has its limitations. Even if putting political issues aside, the biggest problem is countries that adopt the euro cannot have any independent monetary policy. Because each country’s economy does not have a perfect correlation with the EMU’s, some countries may face a situation where the European Central Bank raises interest rates during the recession.


This happened in many small countries. As a result, governments try to rely more heavily on fiscal policy. Still, the effective fiscal policy’s effectiveness limited if it is not effectively combined with monetary policy. This inefficiency was exacerbated by the EMU’s regulations restrict the budget deficit to 3% of GDP as specified in its Stability and Growth Convention.


There are also some concerns about the validity of the European Central Bank. ECB set inflation target slightly below 2%, but from 2000 to 2002, eurozone’s inflation was slightly above the benchmark and exceeded the target level. By the end of 1999, due to the European Union’s lack of a new currency, the euro’s U.S. dollar exchange rate fell 24% in January 1999 from 1.15 to 0.88.
